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Where Young Authors Can Get Published

Writer's picture: ZoeZoe

Are you a tween or teen looking to get published? This is the blog post for you! I've put together a list of contests, magazines, and other publications where you can get published.

Can I really get my writing published?

Yes, and you should! Getting published is a great way to practice your writing craft and nothing feels better than getting recognized for your hard work.

Do I have to pay to submit my writing?

For some publications, you have to pay a submission fee. However, each one on this list is completely free.

Will I get paid for my writing?

You will sometimes earn money if you are accepted! Read the description below each listing to find out if you could receive money for your work.

What's the deadline for submitting work?

It depends on each publication. I've included the dates for submission for 2020. However, many of these listings are available each year. Just click on the website to figure out dates.

I've organized this list into ten categories: contests and magazines. Remember that writing has its ups and downs. One magazine or contest might not be right for your piece, but another is. Don't be afraid to be rejected, and remember that your failures will help you reach the top!


Deadline: July 31

Age range: 11-17

Prizes: All 100 winners (top 15 and other 85) will be invited to an awards ceremony. All winners will receive a membership and other prizes, as well as being published in an anthology. Winners are also invited to a week-long writing course. You can read more about the prizes here.

What to submit: You can enter online or by post. You can enter as many poems as you wish, of any length and on any theme. Poems may not have been published before. Click here to read the full list of rules.

Description: "The Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award is an opportunity for any young person aged 11-17 to accelerate their writing career. Since it was founded in 1998 the Award has kick-started the career of some of today’s most exciting new voices...With entries from over 6,000 young people last year from across the UK and worldwide, it is the largest competition of its kind and its importance is widely attested."

Deadline: October 31

Age range: High school students

Prizes: The first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship for the college of their choice. Other winners can earn $1,000-$16,000. The first-place winner from each state will win $1,000 or more and a funded trip to Washington D.C.

What to submit: Write an essay on the year's theme and record yourself reading it. The recording must be 3-5 minutes long.

Description: "Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Each year, more than 51,000 9-12 grade students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $1.9 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program."

Deadline: June 1

Age range: High school, undergraduate, and graduate students

Prizes: The first-place winner in each division receives a $1,000 scholarship as well as free registration and two nights lodging for the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA)'s annual meeting. The second-place winner will receive a $500 scholarship and the third-place winner will receive a $250 scholarship. Winners and mentors will also receive a one-year membership to JASNA and a set of Jane Austen's novels.

What to submit: A 6-8 page essay in accordance with the year's theme for the author's division.

Description: "JASNA conducts an annual student Essay Contest to foster the study and appreciation of Jane Austen's work. Several hundred students compete for scholarship awards each year."

Deadline: May 31

Age range: Grades 5-12

Prizes: The poets chosen receive a personal letter from the author they wrote to and are published on the contest's website.

What to submit: A letter to one of the poets who is published on their website reading a poem.

Description: "Every National Poetry Month, we present Dear Poet, a multimedia education project that invites young people in grades five through twelve to write letters in response to poems written and read by award-winning poets."


Deadline: You can submit work from August 15 to October 15 or January 15 to March 15. (Submissions might be closed if they receive too many in one submission period.)

Age range: There is no age range listed on their website. Young authors are encouraged to submit.

Prizes: The Jet Fuel Review does not appear to pay their writers. You will be published in either the Spring or Fall issue of their magazine if accepted.

What to submit: Fiction and creative nonfiction pieces of 3,000 words or less, 3-5 unpublished poems, and 3-5 pieces of artwork are accepted for publication. You can also mail a book for potential review. Read the guidelines for submission here.

Description: "Through Lewis University, Jet Fuel Review is run by students and faculty advisers Dr. Simone Muench and Dr. Jackie White...Though this journal is run by students and faculty at Lewis University, a university nestled in the Midwest, we hope to reach people thousands of miles from our verdant campus by being entirely online."

Deadline: You can submit work from August 15 to October 15 or January 15 to March 15. (Submissions might be closed if they receive too many in one submission period.)

Age range: Young authors and up are encouraged to submit.

Prizes: Butcher Papers does not currently pay their writers. You will be published in one of the quarterly editions of their magazine if accepted.

What to submit: You can submit unpublished work online: fiction and creative nonfiction works of 2500 words or less, up to 3 poems at one time, and up to 4 pieces of artwork.

Description: "We are Butcher Papers, an international publication focusing on the amplification of youth voice, publishing the work of creators ages 13-21. We publish quarterly issues, host a youth-centered blog, and advocate for youth literacy and awareness."

Deadline: You can submit work from August 15 to October 15 or January 15 to March 15. (Submissions might be closed if they receive too many in one submission period.)

Age range: 10-18

Prizes: Ember Journal pays 2 cents per word or $20 per work, whichever is more.

What to submit: Poems from 3 to 100 lines have the best chance of acceptance for poetry. You may submit up to three poems at one time. Short stories up to 12,000 words, flash fiction pieces up to 1500 words, and creative nonfiction up to 12,000 words also may be submitted.

Description: "Ember is a semiannual journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for all age groups. Submissions for and by readers aged 10 to 18 are strongly encouraged, and our submission queue is open to all writers age 10 to adult."

Deadline: You can submit poetry all year-round and fiction from September to April.

Age range: While not a magazine created solely for young authors, The Moth Magazine does not have an age range listed on their site. Teens and anyone else who wishes to submit work will be considered for publication.

Prizes: The Moth Magazine does not list if they pay accepted writers on their website. They do however have an annual poetry prize with a reward of €10,000.

What to submit: You may submit up to two short stories, preferably under 3,000 words, and no more than six poems at a time.

Description: "Founded in June 2010, The Moth is a quarterly printed arts & literature magazine featuring poetry, short fiction, and art by established and up-and-coming writers and artists...We are very proud to publish the work of new and up-and-coming writers alongside that of more established names."

Deadline: You can submit poetry all year-round and fiction from September to April.

Age range: 13-22

Prizes: The Moth Magazine does not list if they pay accepted writers on their website. They do however have an annual poetry prize with a reward of €10,000.

What to submit: You may submit fiction and non-fiction up to 1500 words, up to three poems per submission, and four pieces of art or photographs.

Description: "Blue Marble Review is a quarterly online literary journal showcasing the creative work of young writers ages 13-22. We welcome poetry, fiction, personal essays, travel stories, and opinion pieces as well as art and photography. The goal of our journal is to assemble in each issue, a broad range of voices, perspectives, and life experiences."

I hope you've enjoyed this post and found somewhere new to share your writing! Let me know in the comments if you would like another list of writing publications for young authors. Ciao, Zoe.

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