Do you have a big exam coming up? A science quiz you just can't fail? Look no further! I've compiled a complete guide full of all my favorite studying tips. Keep reading to discover healthy recipes, how to take notes, my favorite studying websites, and more!
The setup:

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated while you work is vital! If you don't drink enough as you study, you'll find it harder to concentrate. This 2 Ingredient Pineapple Coconut Smoothie is tropical, delicious, and will keep you feeling fresh. A Cucumber-Blackberry Infused Water is crisp, sweet, and another great way to keep you energized during your study session. I love Baj Coconut Water as well; it's so good and has the same amount of caffeine. It has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of green tea, so it will pump you up if you're incredibly tired but also won't make you hyper, which can make studying difficult. Need a snack? Opt for Brain Boosting Cinnamon Cashews. It will keep your energy levels up and the cinnamon/cashew combination is great for your brain.

Tip #2: Take Great Notes

Taking good notes is so important! It keeps you more engaged during the lesson and summarizes what you've learned so you can review it later. Here are my top note-taking tips:
Color code! It helps you see your information in a much more organized way. I use yellow for definitions, blue for examples, green for important words and phrases, and pink for homework assignments or test dates.
Number your pages and make a table of contents. You'll be able to find them easier!

Tip #3: Know Your Tools

There are plenty of tools and websites online that can help you study efficiently. Quizlet is a website where you can create flashcards and study terms and definitions. Use this to master tricky vocabulary! On SpellingCity you can create spelling lists, take tests, and play games that teach you your words. I used this tool to get me to the National Spelling Bee! Khan Academy has a great online program for SAT prep. You can take practice tests that mimic the real thing, prepare with reading and math exercises, and be rewarded with points for your progress.

Tip #4: Make Your Music Work For You

Listening to some types of music can distract you from your work, but others can help you study. Mozart music for brain power and music with alpha waves can make it easier to concentrate and will boost your results.

Tip #5: Hop on the Treadmill

If you're feeling tired or burned out, exercising is a great alternative to caffeine! Grab your books and hop on the treadmill - a short run will make you feel more energized and focused, get your endorphins flowing (which will perk you up), and get in your workout for the day.
@Grace Thanks! Good luck in all your studying endeavors :)