says that 27 million people, roughly 14 percent of working-age Americans, are entrepreneurs. Hosting Tribunal thinks there are over 2 million blog posts published daily. Mediakix believes that 1.7 billion dollars will be spent on Instagram influencers, that number potentially reaching 2.3 billion in 2020. There are more than 22 million YouTube channels out there and there were 30.2 million small businesses in 2018. We live in a world where being an Instagram influencer is considered a job and successful mommy bloggers pull in 13K more than the monthly average. Is it even possible to create a popular online brand that simultaneously becomes successful and is unique? Sophia Amoruso thinks so. I mean, it certainly worked for her.
The energy you’ll expend focusing on someone else’s life is better spent working on your own. ~Sophia Amoruso, #GIRLBOSS
Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal, didn't start out with a tailored Wordpress design and instant accomplishment. In fact, her before-Nasty-Gal resume boasted the likes of dumper-diving for Bagels, quitting various obscure jobs, and hitchhiking. She never set out to create a brand; she simply had yet to find a career that interested her and decided to take her love of vintage clothing and turn it into an eBay shop. She busted her butt, didn't borrow a dime, and did everything herself. A while later, she debuted on Forbes' America's Richest Self-Made Women list.
I’ve interviewed so many people by now that I swear I can smell crazy a mile away. ~Sophia Amoruso, #GIRLBOSS
In #GIRLBOSS, Amoruso expands on the method that made her business famous and #GIRLBOSS an international hashtag. She introduces simple yet effective phrases such as "money looks better in the bank than on your feet" with basic, real-world advice and boss-load of humor. #GIRLBOSS, concurrently a memoir, wake-up call, and business plan told with enough sass and style to melt your rhinestone leather jacket, should top every #GIRLBOSS's reading list.