This week's smoothie has a creamy consistency that's perfect for a smoothie bowl. Filled with colorful fruits, this smoothie is rich in antioxidants, reduces your risk of certain cancers, and protects against wrinkles. Yep, you read that right!

I made this smoothie for my mom and sister Saturday morning and they both loved it. It's packed full of different fruits, giving it a great color and tropical-strawberry-banana flavor.
There are three ways to eat this smoothie (although feel free to experiment): your typical smoothie glass, a fruit bowl, or a smoothie bowl. If you're going to eat it as just a fruit bowl, you'll probably want to use mostly fresh fruits. But if it's a smoothie, you can use fresh, frozen, or a blend of the two.
Want to make a smoothie bowl? Here are a few toppings that pair well with this smooothie:
- honey
- coconut flakes
- chia seeds
- any sliced fruit (try raspberries or kiwi)

So, how healthy is this smoothie? Here's the breakdown of each ingredient:
Mango chunks:
reduces risk of colon cancer
reduces risk of heart disease
supports hair health (Vitamin A)
low in calories but high in nutrients
one of the highest antioxidant levels in all fruits and veggies
reduce DNA damage
anti-diabetes effects
gives you 10% of your daily Vitamin C
good for your skin (its manganese protects cells and makes collagen)
a good source of potassium
aids digestion
protects your heart
lowers your blood pressure
control your blood sugar
lowers cholesterol
This smoothie serves two. Just you? Freeze the other half of the banana for your next smoothie. This recipe is pretty flexible, so add in fruits as you see fit. (I think kiwi would taste great with this...let me know in the comments if you try it out!)

I hope you enjoy this recipe! Be sure to let me know how it went down below. Ciao, Zoe.