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#GIRLBOSS: Book Review

"Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal, didn't start out with a tailored Wordpress design and instant accomplishment. In fact, her before-Nasty-Gal resume boasted the likes of dumper-diving for Bagels, quitting various obscure jobs, and hitchhiking. She never set out to create a brand; she simply had yet to find a career that interested her and decided to take her love of vintage clothing and turn it into an eBay shop."


"Punchy, fierce, and empowering, Michelle Obama's spellbinding new autobiography Becoming is one of the most anticipated reads of the year."

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"I will not call Sage, the main character in the book, a heroine. Her lack of perfection is simplistic and freeing in one sense, and her adamancy against changing her ways is morally corrupt in another. Again and again, Picoult raises a question. Are these characters monsters, good people in difficult situations, or just fundamentally human? Or are they all of these?"

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"Kathryn Stockett paints a captivating portrait of sun-baked 1963 Jackson, Mississippi in her fascinating novel The Help, told in turn by three women. Aibileen Clark is..."

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"Poignant and gripping, Albom's moving read fades in on a middle-aged man named Mitch, a sports writer unhappy with his life. Decades ago, he promised his favorite professor he'd keep in touch, but he had forgotten all about him until one night when he was watching the news."

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"A light, nostalgic read, Reese Witherspoon's autobiography is a breath of fresh air. She recounts stories from her Southern childhood while teaching simplistic, friendly lessons."

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