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Welcome to Pen2Paper! I'm Zoe, the writer of this blog. I'm also a reader, author, and child of God. I post something for everyone: writing, books, recipes, and lifestyle.


I fell in love with writing at an early age, sending out typewritten newspapers to my family members. I consider this website as a bigger, better newspaper: a place to share my passions and connect with others . . . way beyond the audience I reached through my snail mail newspaper.


I share great food, book lists, writing advice, style spotlights, and more. I post twice a month, but also drop extra content every once and a while. Be sure to subscribe at the bottom of this page so you never miss a post!


Read on to find out more about me and Pen2Paper. Don't forget to check out the contact page as well if you're a brand, author, blogger, or someone who just wants to chat.

Big Reader

My love of reading started with my mom. When my sister and I were teeny tiny, she would sit us in plastic laundry baskets and have us read all the books we could get our hands on. I was hooked from the start!


I've always been a big reader. I have lots of memories of pushing a plastic shopping cart around our public library, filling it up with books.


While this website has certainly evolved, it started out as just a book blog. I loved (and love) a great story so much I had to share the best ones I read. I still post book reviews and lists of books for every type of bookworm. You can view more of my book posts at the link below.

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Writer Too

I think it would be hard for me to NOT to pursue something with words! I mean, could anyone escape it after growing up in a household surrounded by literary role models?


I'm now an author and poet. Plenty of space on this site is geared towards helping other authors write well.


I also regularly interview different authors through Author Spotlights, fascinating creatives with rich backstories to both their lives and their work. They give advice on writing, publishing, and life, from penning memoirs to imaginary superheroes.

Let's Eat!

I've always had a big sweet tooth. But I also enjoy healthy (but still delicious!) treats, recipes from all over the world, comfort name it.


A lot of my recipes aim for simplicity. For example, a mug cake instead of a cake you have to take great pains frosting. But I also believe that taking time to cook and make meals for those you love is really special, which is why you'll find a wide variety of both recipe types and the time it takes them on my website.

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A Little of Everything

If you take anything away from this look into my life, you should realize there's a lot of things I love and a lot of things I'm passionate about.


The lifestyle section of this blog is home to what doesn't fit within the confines of writing, reading, or cooking. Blogging tips, discipleship, travel, style, health . . .


Although the lifestyle section is a reflection of a lot of pieces of me, the posts closest to my heart are the ones about faith. I love everything else I do here - they're my passions - but I believe God is the purpose behind all I do. My discipleship posts explore Bible passages I've been reflecting on and truths I've learned.

So That's It!

Pen2Paper is a real labor of love, and I hope you love scrolling the site as much as I enjoy creating it. Be sure to shoot me a message on my contact page if you have a question or check out my media kit if you're a brand looking to collaborate. Scroll down and subscribe for exclusive access to emails and new posts.


P.S. I'm an Amazon Associates Partner so I earn a small percentage of qualifying purchases. It doesn't affect anything on your end, just helps me keep this blog running :)

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Thanks for submitting!

Let's get social! For recipes and tips check out our Pinterest account @Pen2Paper. For more book reviews and reading updates, see our Goodreads account and join our Goodreads book club

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